Located in Northbrook, Illinois, The Cove School is close to Chicago as well as many outlying suburbs. All elementary, junior high and high school grades meet in the school’s facility on Lee Road. Our campus includes:
1. The Media Center
The Cove multi-media center is the nexus of school life — an exciting place where the possibilities for learning are endless. Here, the library is integrated into the computer lab to create a fully equipped, state-of-the-art learning center that’s specially designed for Cove students. Computers and assistive-technology give Cove students the edge they require to develop skills for learning and skills for life.
2. Activity Complex
Gym, lunchroom and presentation stage area. These spaces provide a multi-purpose area where students can socialize and freely express themselves. The activities that take place here create a unique opportunity for students to develop strong communication and social skills, establish vital friendships and increase their level of self-confidence. The stage area also provides spectator seating during sporting events in the gym.
Athletic Field and Running Track. The athletic field directly behind the Cove School building includes a rubberized running track, half-sized soccer field, and a small indoor pavilion.
Exercise Center. A state-of-the-art fitness room includes accessible exercise equipment, a fitness instructor and a health education professional. As students develop, the Center allows those with sensory needs to transition from the Occupational Therapy room into more socially and developmentally appropriate activity, such as cardiovascular exercise and resistance training using weights and other tools.
3. Separate High School Area with Elective Classrooms
It’s vital for high school students to have a separate space that reflects their accomplishments and provides a distinct identity. High school is a time for students to explore a variety of specific subjects that they may one day decide to pursue in depth.
4. Social Work Suite
With the increased privacy of our expanded social work offices, staff are able help children work through persistent barriers, helping them become more receptive to the learning process. This suite includes individual counseling offices, as well as a larger group meeting room used for social skill development groups.
5. Speech and Language Suite
Here, students receive individualized speech and language therapy in a more stimulating and appropriate setting. This new space enables small-group sessions as well as important one-on-one remediation.
6. Occupational Therapy Suite
Our expanded onsite occupational therapy suite helps students learn how to function independently in new ways. The indoor/outdoor therapy area is specifically designed to maximize their sensory experience. Located adjacent to the playground, children learn real-life skills that will help them master techniques needed to use the playground equipment in their own neighborhoods with other children their age.
7. Art Studio
Our art studio exposes Cove students to all aspects of the visual arts, while its proximity to the computer center allows the integration of digital photography and other multi-media projects throughout the curriculum.
The most comprehensive way to view our building is by viewing Cove's virtual tour!