We appreciated all the parents and guardians who joined us for our first general Parent Association meeting of the year. In addition, we appreciated all of those who could not attend in person but joined us online for our live streaming of the meeting.
At the meeting, Parent Association President Debra Johnson filled those attending in on upcoming school events and ways to get involved.
Later on, Social Workers Darin Argentar and Jody Berkelhamer led a presentation on mindfulness and the Calm Classroom program. Mr. Argentar and Ms. Berkelhamer described “mindfulness” as a state of active, open attention on the present. They discussed the benefits of practicing a mindfulness routine, such as better memory, clearer thinking and enhanced decision making skills.
Moreover, they discussed how the Calm Classroom Program brings the practice of mindfulness to our students everyday. These practices allow students to work on overall attentiveness, mental focus and the management of stress and anxiety in the classroom.
Thanks again to all those who attended the meeting! Save the date for the next PA education meeting on Thursday, January 11 at 6:30 PM featuring speaker Dr. Jerry Schultz.